Friday, March 5, 2010


With the start of the month of March, here in Ontario we're starting to (finally) see some warmer weather. Sometimes "spring" doesn't start until April or May, so the sunshine and snow melting so early this year is certainly putting a *spring* in my step... I hope it stays! ^-^

I weighed myself again today, and I was down to 177. I was hoping I'd weigh less, but it's alright. I haven't had a perfect week by any means - I had dinner with my mom on Wednesday and I had half a bacon cheeseburger (my first burger for the last 8-10 years! It was sooo good! I felt like a greaseball afterwards but it was worth it!) and I've missed a couple days at the gym, so I guess I can't really expect any outstanding results. I'm keeping positive though; I'm heading back to the gym again today and this weekend.

I was talking to someone last night, who works at a gym. It was really neat for me when he said that "it sounds like I have it under control." :) He mentioned a few things that he'd do differently:
  • calorie count rather than avoid carbs
  • do many different programs rather than just sticking to the weight loss program on the elliptical machines
  • not use fatburners

I will definately try out different programs on the ellipticals. I might try calorie counting. As for the fatburners, no one *needs* them, but they help get your results faster and they're letting me completely avoid drinking coffee, so that cuts out a good couple hundred calories per day. I think I'm going to stick with them. I've also already spent the money on them; there's no point in just throwing them away! :P

I hope everyone has a great weekend! :)

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