Friday, October 30, 2009


Alright. I weighed myself this afternoon (NOT my normal time for weighing myself) and I'm currently sitting at 187. Which is 21 pounds below my starting weight :D! I'll try to remember to weigh myself in the morning before breakfast and give you a proper update... but I'm liking my progress.

One thing that I've noticed the last two times I went to weight lift is that I'm gradually being able to increase the amount of weight I'm lifting on the various machines. For example, with the bicep pressdown machine, when I first started, 15 pounds (x20 x3) killed my arms, and now that's too light and I'm up to 30 pounds there. The benchpress incline machine is one that I couldn't handle before, and I tried it today, and I could manage 15 pounds (x10 x3)

Although it'd be nice to loose weight faster than this, I don't want to get too hard on myself because I'm keeping in my mind that I'm gaining muscle all over my body and muscle has some weight to it. I am gradually stepping up my routines. In stair stepping, I try to burn at least 10 calories more each time I work out - I'm up over 300 calories per workout now and I also use a few weight lifting machines that use your legs as well after those workouts to stretch out my muscles as much as possible.

I'm just trying to work harder but not so hard that I get frustrated and feel like quitting. I'm still enjoying what I'm doing, I just want to do better. ^-^

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